Raymond Morrogh, class '07
In Memoriam

In the Chronicle for 1907, the Cricket Notes, filling five or six pages, were written by Raymond Morrogh. It is sad to think that the enthusiastic writer of these past happy events is with us no more, as his death took place during the past year.
Born in Sunday's Well, Cork, Raymond was one of nine brothers who attended the College at the turn of the century and no fewer than six of these “Family of Soldiers” served with distinction in the First World War. He joined the Tenth Irish Division of the British Army and served as a despatch rider during the Gallipoli 1915 campaign. His letter from the front, “The Retreat to Salonica” was reproduced in the 1916 chronicle. That same year, he joined the Royal Flying Corps and served in it for four years. While in the Air Force, one of his duties was to fly T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) to Cairo to meet General Allenby.
Returning to Cork, he spent eighteen years as Chairman of the Cork Cold Storage Company. Always a great sportsman, he was a well known member of the Royal Munster Yacht Club, being associated with this club since it transferred headquarters from Monkstown to Crosshaven in 1923. He raced the Cork Harbour one design yacht Minx with great success. The deceased was also well known in golfing circles, being a member of both Douglas and Monkstown Clubs.
Requiescat in Pace.