Pierce Moran, class '17
Daniel Hughes, ]ames Tully, Cameron Sherry & Jack Horgan - remembering Pierce

Pierce Moran was a great and loyal friend to all of us. He was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with, the life of the party and overall a great guy. He could make you laugh endlessly but you could have a serious chat with him whenever you needed it. No one was ever annoyed at him. He was always on everybody's good side. He could always keep a conversation going and had an opinion on everything which he had no problem expressing when needed to. Pierce always looked on the bright side of life and that was the main aspect everyone loved about him.
Pierce always left his home in the morning with a smile on his face with just enough time to make it to class, arriving fashionably late with a new football story and a Liverpool transfer rumour to tell all his classmates. All the teachers were very fond of him although when an opportunity arose to have a chat with the lads in class, he didn't think twice about doing it. He was looked up to on and off the field where he played sports such as football, rugby and was a great long-distance runner for the school. He was the center of attention during break out on the crease and inside eating his traditional plain pasta without any fork. One thing you would notice from watching him and his friends from a distance was that they always had a smile on their face when Pierce was around.
Whenever Pierce had a chance to go out with his friends to get up to all sorts of activities, he'd be up and out of the door within a blink of an eye. His weekly routine would consist ofwalking down to the local spar to get a chicken fillet roll with a free can of coke and to meet up with a few close friends to playa bit of "footie" at the local GAA club. He was the man that supplied the football day in and day out whether he was going to play some football or just a simple stroll around his estate. Pierce's friends were always welcomed by his parents to watch whatever match was on that day or to play a quick game of Fifa where he would dominate everyone.
When Pierce suddenly passed away on the 13th May, everyone around him was distraught - from teachers to close friends to class mates and to everyone that knew him. The corridors fell silent with mourning of the students and staff. Everyone felt the heartbreak of the family and friends. All ofhis friends gathered together to get through this great tragedy. It was such a shame that such a young man's life was taken when he was mid-way through blossoming with his whole life ahead of him.
Even though Pierce has been taken from our world, he will always be with us in our hearts. He is the reason for all his friends coming closer and he gives his friends motivation to push on in life as we will always know Pierce will never have the chance to do so.
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart,
I'll stay thereforever"
RIP Pierce Moran
1998 - 2014
Gone but never forgotten