Peter Quigley, class '89
In Memoriam

Not everyone has the same role to play in a year. Some boys are the brains of their year, always at their books. Others are the leaders, setting the pace for opinions and ideas. It could be said of Peter Quigley that he had a place at the very heart of his year as one full of fun and adventure. For this reason alone his tragic death just a few weeks after the beginning of his fifth year in the college has left a gap in the lives and affections of his contemporaries - and indeed of all the members of the college - which it will be hard to fill.
Peter was born in 1971 and grew up with his family in Dundalk where he attended St. Mary's College. He came to Castleknock in 1983 and it did not take him long to settle in and to become known for those qualities of friendliness and a sense of fun for which he will be so warmly remembered.
Peter had an easy manner and a relaxed style of conversation. It was said that it took him only twenty minutes to become friends with a person and to get to know them. His popularity was only matched by his legendary reputation for adventure. One of his favourite places in the college was the ruins of the medieval fortress of the Tyrrels on the Castle Hill, an area which it has to said was out of bounds for the boys. On one occasion Peter and a few friends were exploring the castle when he managed to climb up into the remains of its tower. Once up there Peter found it difficult to get down and worse still that he was now vulnerably visible from the college buildings. His presence soon attracted several prefects and the Dean which was just as well as they at least provided him with a ladder by which he could descend from his perch with some dignity.
On another occasion Peter decided that it was time that he had a pet and smuggled a small dog into the dormitory in his laundry bag. The poor animal spent most of its sojourn in Peter's locker so that he could avoid detection. He fed it regularly and exercised it when circumstances allowed . Sadly, though, its presence was eventually uncovered and Peter had to give it up.
Though Peter had a highly developed sense of fun he also had a serious side. He was a good worker in class and surprised even himself by a very creditable performance at the Intermediate Certificate examination, gaining an A in history. He also loved reading and enjoyed swimming though after two years of rugby he decided that it would be best to retire from that field of activity.
Nothing attested to Peter's popularity so much as the shock and grief which attended his sudden death. It was felt not only by his friends and by the boys in his own year but by all the boys and staff in the college. Peter Quigley will always remain young in the memories of those who knew him. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and most particularly to his parents and brother Sean, class '88.
Requiescat in Pace.