John McAlister, class '80
In Memoriam

NEWS of the death of John McAlister 30th July 1984 in a traffic accident came as a big shock to all who knew him in the college. John was the youngest of three brothers who passed through the college in the 1970's. Like his brothers, John was well liked by all who knew him in his time in Castleknock. Keen on games, and good in class, with a fine personality, life seemed to offer much to John. His inner faith and close family ties gave him a strong sense of security and peace, which was evident to all.
On leaving the college, John decided to make his career in medicine. As fellow students, he had with him other contemporaries from his time in ' Knock who were close friends. He had also a new friend, Dan Heffernan, and indeed visiting the Heffernan home in Limerick was like entering another Castleknock house. It was while travelling south to Dan's home in Limerick that John and Dan were killed so tragically. To John's father. Mr. John McAlister. to his brothers Vivian and Conor, and to Mrs Josephine Heffernan and her family, we in Castleknock offer our deepest sympathy on their great loss.
Requiescat in Pace.