Cornelius Curtin, class '36
In Memoriam

The Union was saddened to hear of the passing of Con Curtin, class '36
The death has occurred of Fr. Con CURTIN C.M.
Nazareth House, Malahide Road, Dublin 3, Dublin
Curtin (Dublin ) Fr. Con C.M.( Nazareth House, Malahide Road, Dublin 3) – July 3, 2014 (peacefully); sadly missed and deeply regretted by his nephews, cousins, Vincentian Confreres and friends. Reposing at Nazareth House, Malahide Road Dublin 3 on Friday, July 4th, between 5pm and 7pm. Funeral Mass at 11.30am on Saturday at Nazareth House Chapel followed by burial at Glasnevin Cemetery. |
Date of Death: Thursday 3rd July 2014
4 June 2013 the 'Bokerboys' who would be the alumni of Coláiste Eamonn Rís in Loch Garman posted -
Congratulations to past pupil Fr. Con Curtin who is 95 and celebrated the 70th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood recently. He was born in 1917 and grew up in the Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe Street. He was educated in C.B.S. Primary and later from 1931-35 at Coláiste Eamonn Rís.
He entered the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) in 1936 and was ordained on 30th May 1943.
He has been a secondary teacher as well as lecturing in theology and spiritual guidance.
We congratulate Fr. Con on reaching this special milestone and wish him abundant graces and good health in the future.
Con also popped into SVC for his final year of schooling in 1935-36 and on ordination in 1943 proceeded to University College Cork where in 1946 he completed his M.A. in English with 1st Class Honours. Uniquely for a past man who joined the Vins, we can find no record of him ever returning to teach or reside at Knock. Perhaps Con felt enough fellow pastmen were already manning that station for his era was a purple patch for ordinations - the 1943 batch included Frs. Frank Cleere, Con Curtin, Desmond MacMorrow, Hugh Murnaghan, James Murphy, Maurice O'Neill, John Roughan and Derry Sweeney.
He wrote many articles in the Colloque (Journal of the Irish Province of the Congregation of the Mission) especially so in the latter years. They predominately dealt with with prayer in the modern world, but when needed warm dollops of humour were also served - witness this excerpt from a 2001 Vincentian Heritage trip he undertook in France and Spain -
A rather interesting experience was our visit to the vineyard, formerly owned by the Vincentians where the famous wine “Chateau de la Mission” is still being made. We got a very warm welcome from the manager and staff. The only snag was, he went on and on about the process of winemaking. The day was fiery, warm and I was thirsty. The foremost thought in my mind was “Is he ever going to give us a drink?” I felt we would be able then to judge the wine for ourselves. Finally, he invited us inside to the beautiful reception room in what was formerly the residence of the Vincentians and gave each of us a glass of white and a glass of red. An excellent conclusion to our visit!
Sadly within a fortnight of the Bokerboys notice Con passed to his eternal reward. He died 3 July 2013 in Nazareth House, Dublin, aged 97.
Requiescat in Pace.