Brendan Sheridan, class '70
In Memoriam

The Union was saddened to hear of the early passing of Brendan Sheridan, class '70
The death has occurred of Brendan SHERIDAN
Dundrum, Dublin / Waterford
SHERIDAN Brendan (Dundrum, Dublin and late of Waterford) – March 25, 2015, peacefully, surrounded by his family. Sadly missed by his loving wife Helen, daughters Emma, Lucy and Ciara and their partners Owen, Richy and Seán, granddaughter Robin, brothers, sisters, relatives, neighbours and many friends. Funeral Mass on Saturday (March 28) at 10.30am in the Church of the Holy Cross, Dundrum followed by burial at Shanganagh Cemetery. Family flowers only please. Donations, if desired, to the Irish Cancer Society ( All enquiries to Fanagans, Dundrum on 01 2984143. |
Date of Death: Wednesday 25th March 2015
Brendan hailed from a well-known mercantile family of the South-East. His father Gerard was class '32 and uncle Michael, class '40 and Brendan himself was the second youngest of eight brothers at SVC. The youngest brother Anthony was class '77, and ahead of Brendan was Pat '62, John '60, Michael '59, Jim '58, Gerry '57 and Tom '56. Four nephews also followed: Gerard '81 and Joey '88 (sons of Tom) and in class '89, Mark and Niall (sons of Pat). The Sheridan's have truly paid their Knock dues.
Brendan is survived by his wife Helen, and daughters Emma, Lucy and Ciara. To them and the wider Sheridan family, we extend our heartfelt sympathies.
Requiescat in Pace.
I was very sorry to learn of the death of Brendan Sheridan my old friend from Castleknock days. The thing I remember most about Brendan was his broad beaming smile. You saw the smile first before anything else. Brendan was one of the nice guys. He got on well with everyone.
We had a few things in common which drew us together from the beginning. We both arrived at “Kingsbridge” as third year scuts on the Waterford – Dublin train in September 1966, he from Waterford and I from nearby Carrick-on-Suir. Brendan was one several members of the Sheridan family who were Ford Main Dealers in Waterford City, to attend the college. We were both avid supporters of Waterford United and our weekly ritual was to tune into RTE Radio on Sunday evenings to hear the Soccer Results. The immortal words, “My game today was at Kilcohan Park, where I saw Waterford beat ......” was the best news we could get in those far-off days. We both ended up playing compulsory rugby for the “5th Club” in our first year as only fifth and sixth years were allowed to join the Soccer Club which was our clear preference. We did manage to join the Soccer Club in fourth year so we had three great years playing in the Leinster Colleges Soccer Competition which had just started. In our final year we were two of the six prefects in the Junior School,then in its second year of existence under Fr. Kevin O’Shea CM. We had a great time managing classrooms in the evening and dorms at night.
After we left Castleknock, Brendan was studying in Dublin to become a Chartered Surveyor. He worked mainly in Dublin, London and Saudi Arabia and was highly thought of by his colleagues, clients and friends. Our lives and careers meant we did not see very much of each other after Castleknock. I met Brendan at some of the Class reunions, the last one being 2010. In late 2014 he sent me an email saying he was looking forward to meeting up again at our 2015 Class Reunion. That email was typical for I had no idea he was ill until I heard the very sad news of his passing.
Where ever and when ever soccer results are read out over the radio, I like many others, will always remember Brendan, with a smile. He was one of the nice guys.