Aodh MacFhionnbhairr, class '97

The Union was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Aodh MacFhionnbhairr (class '97).
Mac Fhionnbhairr, Aodh, Sunday August 29th in Terryglass, Co. Tipperary. Sorely missed by his loving wife Annie (Germany), sister Sadb (Germany), brother Tarlach (Canada), mother Andrea, aunt and godmother Finola Flanagan, his godfather John Rochford, his cousins and friends and his extended family.
Private family Funeral Mass on Thurs. Sept 2nd at 10a.m. at the Church of St Lawrence O’Toole, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow. Government and HSE restrictions apply.
Méala mór a bhás, da mháthair Andrea, dá dheirfiúr Sadb, dá dheartháir Tarlach, dá cholceathaireacha agus dá chairde uilig ar fud an domhain.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h'anam
Requiescat in Pace