Vincentian Congregation News
Where are they now

Fr. Kevin O'Shea is now Provincial of the Vincentian Community and may be contacted at St. Paul's, Sybil Hill, Dublin 5.
There are currently five members of the Community resident in Castleknock College:
Fr. John Doyle, now retired from teaching but remains actively as patron of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Fr. Peter Slevin officially retired from teaching in the College in June 2002 and was appointed President of the College in September 2005. He seems to be more active than ever and has taken on the task of raising the €16m needed to complete the College Development Plan. Fr. Desmond MacMorrow, class '36, has retired to Castleknock College after many years spent in parish work in the United Kingdom. Fr MacMorrow loves nothing better than meeting and chatting with the boys and their parents. Fr. Myles Rearden, class '57, works in the student Chaplaincy in St. Patrick's College Maynooth. He is resident in the College and attends many Union functions. Fr. John Gallagher is attached to the College and has a special ministry to the members of the Travelling Community.
Fr Sam Clyne, former President of the College, is now resident in the Little Sisters of the Poor, Sacred Heart Residence, Sybil Hill Road, Raheny, Dublin 5 following a recent illness.
The Union has had a special relationship with several members of the Vincentian Community abroad and in recent times through the generosity of our pastmen we have been able to support the Vincentain missions in the Ukraine , Nigeria and Kenya.
During his term as President in 2002, Victor Stafford and a number of his classmates paid a visit Fr. Paul Roche in the Ukraine and his report makes very interesting reading. A share of the proceeds of the 2006 Business Lunch Raffle were sent to Fr. Roche earlier this year, together with our best wishes for the wonderful work that he is doing.
Fr. Crowley, class '47, worked for many years in Nigeria. In December 2005 together with Fr Harry Slowey, he was assigned to work with the Vincentian Mission in Kenya. Fr Slowey and Fr Crowley are working with the poorest of the poor in the streets and prisons of Kibera. The Union has been able to help in a small way to support this mission. A share of the proceeds of the 2006 Business Lunch Raffle has been sent to Kenya.
Following a number of years working in the remote Solomon Islands Fr. Jack Harris has been assigned to parish work in London.