Union Dinner 2002
Concert Hall, Castleknock College

The Guest of Honour was Mr. Liam Cosgrave.
The 2002 Annual Dinner was held in the Concert Hall, Castleknock College on Saturday 2nd November 2002. The President, Mr. Stafford, was also delighted to welcome Fr. John Doyle, Fr. Des MacMorrow (who has returned to the College following a long spell in the U.K.), and Fr. Myles Rearden, as well as Mr. Declan McDevitt, Mr. Nicholas Cummins and Ms. Ger Corrigan of the College Staff.
The Dinner was attended by over one hundred pastmen who had a most enjoyable and memorable evening. Mr. Stafford introduced Mr. John Kearney who had been elected as President of the Union for 2003 at the AGM earlier in the evening, and formally presented him with the chain of office. Mr. Kearney commenced his term of office on January 1st 2003. Mr. Cathal Louth has been named as President elect for 2004.
The President had a special welcome for the dozen or so members of the class of 2002 who attended, and noted with great pleasure the presence of so many younger pastmen at the Dinner. He thanked them for coming and also reminded them that they are the lifeblood of the Union. He invited them to participate in the Union activities and to remember that the Union is there as a support and resource for all pastmen.
The occasion was tinged with sadness this year for the many pastmen present who remembered with great fondness Tony Farrell who died unexpectedly in June 2002. Tony was chief organiser of the Dinner for more than ten years. May he Rest in Peace.