New Sports Hall
Phase III College Development Plan

Artists Impression of New Sports Hall
Our College needs our support to build a new Sports Hall.
It's the final piece of the €16.5m College Redevelopment Plan which the Board of Governors drew up at the dawn of the new millennium, at the core of which was the refurbishment of McNamara House, redevelopment of Cregan House and construction of a link building to join them. This was completed in 2007-09 to create one of the best academic campuses in the country as can be seen from this birds-eye view of Union Day 2014. A modern sports hall is the final piece of the jigsaw that delivers a campus second to none.
That program constituted the first major works at the College since 1969/70, when the Junior School was built, as was the Gymnasium which is current focus for replacement. Many of you will recognise fathers, uncles and grandfathers who were to the fore in that fund raising campaign, as they were in 1956 when Cregan House was built. Indeed the history of College Buildings to 1902 and since, is a story of past men coming together to finance College development.
The College once again needs the support of parents and past men to deliver this sports hall. The correlation factor between past men and parents is not now as high as it once was - many of us do not live within the catchment area - but it remains incumbent of us to support the College and the next generation of past men, who in time will become fathers to sons attending the College. So if you lodged in the Junior School, played ball in the Gym, took classes in Cregan House, then you were a beneficiary of the largesse of past men who went before you. Now is the time to repay that generosity.
The Vincentian community through own resources are financing 1/3rd of all development, so to meet the €1.44m build target, the College is looking to parents and past men each contributing €480,000. As Oliver Murphy, College Headmaster points out, if past men each buy the fund a “round of drinks” each month for 3 years, the target is met - 533 pastmen paying €900 over 3 years at €25 per month delivers €480,000.
It is appreciated that some are not in a position to offer financial support at this time. Others will be in a position to be more generous, so collectively we as past men can meet this target. One wall of the new Sports Hall will acknowledge all who contribute, irrespective of amount. So if you can, please give generously and lets see that Donor Wall well populated with past men.
Direct Debit: Download form here.
Online Card Payment: Make a one-off donation at College website
Cheque: send to Union Office, Castleknock College
Guinness in their advertising currently make much of their 9,000 year lease on St. James Gate, and that they're only 255 odd years in. Castleknock College is the latest in a long list of occupiers of these grounds by the Phoenix Park. We've passed 175 years in, but also expect to be around for the next 9,000. A new Sports Hall is one small step on that journey. Let's support it.
On behalf of your Union Committee,