Lorcan Tiernan, class '88
Union President, AGM handover address

Reverend Fathers, Past Presidents, Headmaster, fellow committee members, gentlemen;
I’d like to open the meeting by observing a minutes silence for the pastmen we have lost this year.
I am very proud to say that it has been a wonderful year for the Union with many achievements worthy of note: we raised in excess of €9,000 for charitable causes both here and abroad; launched the Scholarship Fund and donated €6,000 to the College as a result; organised nine either sold out or well attended events including 350 people to our business lunch in the Ballsbridge Hotel; 200 at our annual dinner in October where we organised a win against the All Blacks - a particular thanks here to Junior Committee Members, and specifically Junior President, Ian Garrigan; the fully sold out tennis event in June, thanks as always to David Bell '83; the second junior golf outing, thanks to Stephen Connolly, '04; inaugural 1916 Debate and WWI Commemoration evenings; Past Presidents Dinner; Junior Networking Event; and of course the Annual Easter Retreat in the college, thanks yet once again to Billy Gallagher '61.
We received wonderful feedback from pastmen on each of these events which encourages us greatly for 2017.
Aidan Feighery has continued in the role of Honorary Treasurer this year and Johnny Lynch likewise as Honorary Secretary and Ian Garrigan has had a fine first year as Junior President. I would like to thank all three for their wonderful work and for the support they afforded me.
Likewise the members of your Committee have been particularly busy this year and many thanks to them for all the hard work, not least for the rebuilding of the Union website which has hugely enhanced our ability to communicate with past men and allows for us to revisit the area of a scholarship focused membership subscriptions.
Personally, probably what I have enjoyed most this year, was seeing first hand what great hands Castleknock College is now in.
I would like to congratulate College President, Fr. Slevin, College Headmaster, Mr Oliver Murphy and the Board of Management on the amazing job they are doing with the school. Beyond great academic results they are excelling in a wide range of sport and the arts, but most of all in the type of man they are sending out into the world. I have had the pleasure of being out in the college for the Valedictory ceremony and for Union Day this year and I was so impressed with the boys and how fundamentally the spirit and the ethos has remained, which is a credit to all.
We have a wonderful man assuming the role of president in 2017….. Colin Murtagh, class '83. I can say with complete confidence that our Union is in safe hands with Colin at the helm and with such capable and for the most part young, committed and enthusiastic officers and committee members driving the union forward for the future.
Nos Autem In Nomine Domini,