Irene Maguire Retirement
42 years SVC Service

The Vincentians hosted a Dinner for Irene Maguire who retired yesterday after 42 years working at the College. This was her second going away do as the College also held a celebration last month with Mr Murphy and staff celebrating her time and commitment to SVC.
Irene started in the College Refectory way back in 1975 where she looked after and fed thousands of boys over the years. In latter years she mainly looked after the Priests Refectory but here again any past man who returned to the College as part of a class reunion or annual retreat, was fed and watered once more by Irene.
Very Rev. Peter Slevin hosted over 50 people with lots of her friends joining in the festivities along with children and grandchildren. Union President Colin Murtagh also attended and presented a card and voucher on behalf of pastmen.
Irene will be truly missed by the Vincentians, College staff and pastmen alike. May she enjoy a long and happy retirement.