GB Branch
Where are they now

We have many past men resident on "the mainland" where the Union once had a proud tradition of hosting annual lunches and dinners. In recent years, this lapsed somewhat, until David Bell during his presidency, held a dinner in 2010 the night before the Ireland England rugby fixture. The Union committee plan to hold a similar dinner this year on March 16th, again before the Ireland England rugby fixture but to hold this dinner as a precursor to formally reintroducing annual GB dinners and lunches which are not neccissarily centred around rugby fixtures.
In short we plan to reconvene the GB branch.
As a starting point, it would be most helpful if all past men who are based in Britain could join our GB focused group on Linkedin. This will give us some idea of how many active past men we have in GB and hopefully a firm foundation from which we can rebuild the GB membership file.
Please do pass this on to all past men you may be connected to.