David O'Donnell, Union President 2011
2011 Calendar of Events

Fellow Pastmen,
I am delighted and honoured to serve as President of your Union for 2011.
The Union through its various events, provides an excellent forum for pastmen of all generations to connect with each other. In the current climate more than ever, making the connection can be helpful and all important. It can be as simple as getting a steer on a career choice or job or business opportunity or seeking to have a particular door opened or keeping in touch with old friends.
The events organised by the Union in 2010 under the presidency of my predecessor, David Bell included all the traditional annual events such as the Retreat, Golf Outing, Business Lunch and Annual Dinner. 2010 also saw the revival of the Munster Dinner and the Soccer Blitz as well as the introduction of two new events, namely a tennis tournament and a business seminar that focused on entrepreneurship and social media.
The Union intends to hold all of these events again in 2011 and details will be set out in the section headed Events in this website. The website can also facilitate online booking for events.
The Union would like to hear from you about any suggestions you may have for new Union events or other possible Union initiatives. Please email me or any member of the Union Committee at the relevant email address set out in the section headed Committee, with your suggestions.
By registering as a member on the homepage of knockunion.ie, the Union will be able to stay in touch with you and keep you posted on its events. I would encourage you and any of your classmates to register if you have not already done so.
Finally, I look forward to meeting you at one of the Union events during 2011.
Best wishes
David O'Donnell
President 2011