David Bell, Union President 2010
2010 Calendar of Events

Fellow Pastmen,
I am delighted and honoured to serve as President of your Union for 2010.
The Union through its various events, provides an excellent forum for pastmen of all generations to connect with each other. In the current climate more than ever, making the connection can be helpful and all important. It can be as simple as getting a steer on a career choice or job or business opportunity or seeking to have a particular door opened or keeping in touch with old friends.
A vibrant Union is essential to that purpose.
To that end, in addition to the traditional annual events such as the Retreat, Golf Outing, Business Lunch and Annual Dinner, in 2010 we plan to re-instate the Munster Dinner, London Dinner and Soccer Blitz and introduce two new events; a Vets Tennis Tournament and a Entrepreneurship Seminar. We would greatly appreciate your participation at one or more of these events.
I would also like to draw your attention to our new website at knockunion.ie where you will be glad to see a number of additional features that greatly assist in communicating Union activities and streaming the booking of Union events. It is planned that the site will be updated on a regular basis with news from pastmen and the College.
We are asking pastmen to register as members on the website thus enabling the Union to maintain up to date records. We hope this feature will allow pastmen to contact other members directly and catch up to see what has become of classmates, search for business contacts, organize a reunion or just meet up.
Finally I would like to thank you for your continued support of the Union and all of its activities and we look forward to seeing you at our events in 2010 and beyond.
Best wishes,
David Bell
President 2010