Conor Mallaghan, Union President 2012
2012 Calendar of Events

Fellow Pastmen,
It is a great privilege to serve as President of the Castleknock College Union for 2012.
I hope to continue the great work of the previous presidents in making the union an increasingly relevant way for pastmen to connect with each other and stay informed of what's happening with all things "Knock". In this day and age keeping connected and forming new links is especially important.
The year ahead will include the usual events such as the Business lunch, Retreat and Annual dinner etc. We will also have a London event to coincide with the England Rugby game. There will be two golf outings, the first in Carton House in May and the second in Castleknock Golf Club in September.
We also hope that 2012 will see the introduction of a new mentoring and networking workshop to help pastmen in this increasingly challenging environment. Keep an eye on the website for details of this and all the years events.
We are currently in the process of upgrading the Union website at with a view to -
Communicating with pastmen in a more timely, relevant and concise fashion, including more usage of pastmens preferred social media channels, e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, with a view to minimising email in favour of online alerts.
Publication online of the full College Roll, detailing each and every student of the College for the last 175 years, to enable all pastmen to not only retrace their own progression through the College but that also of their fathers, grand fathers, forebears and all who have passed since.
Collating all archive content so that we have one central repository for historic content as it relates to the College, Union and Class Reunions. To that end, please do contact us if you have any interesting photographs, documents and alerts which we can share online.
Opening of an online store so pastmen the world over can easily purchase College Chronicles, for all years dating back to the early 1880's, and ties, cuff-links and other such Union memorabilia.
We will keep you abreast of these developments as they unfold, and in the mean time, should you have any ideas or suggestions, please do make contact, as all feedback is hugely appreciated.
I look forward to serving as your President in 2012 and hopefully seeing you at one of our events during the year.
Best wishes,