Class of 1957 - 40th Reunion recap
Dublin, October 18th, 1997

Peter Brandt who hopped over from Brussels
Saturday the 18th October 1997 was the date and Jury's Hotel the venue for the 40th anniversary of the Class of '57- Twenty two young at heart stalwarts met to celebrate the occasion and they were joined by Fathers Paddy O'Donoghue and Brendan Steen, Dean of Discipline and Prefect of Studies respectively in those bygone days.
Expatriates included Michael Smithwick who travelled from Carolina, USA as well as Peter Brandt and Noel Coughlan who hopped over from Brussels. Donegal was also well represented by Michael Kealy and Paddy Lalor both now permanently resident in the North West and also by a real Donegal man, Niall McGinley. David McCullagh who has been keeping in touch from New Hampshire and really looking forward to this occasion was unfortunately unable to travel on the date but was with us in spirit.
After a most enjoyable meal the after dinner chat more or less spontaneously erupted into an impromptu concert. Memories of Tonio and Lieutenant Rugini in "The Maid of the Mountains" were reawakened and Leo Morgan and John McElroy gave successive unaccompanied renditions of popular operatic arias. Like good wine, their voices have developed and matured since their days on the stage in the Junior Playhall.
The night was inevitably later for some than others but the big "L" in ten years' time was being tossed around before the celebrations eventually came to a close.
Brendan Ryan
Attendance and present location: