Class of 1950 - 40th Reunion recap
Dublin, 28th & 29th April 1990

James Morrin OBE, as House Captain in 1950
Was it Joe Harmon's idea or was it John Cleary's? Anyway a small committee was put together and this idea came to fruition on a Saturday at the end of April. Thirty two of us from the Year of '50 had a reunion in Dublin's Shelbourne Hotel. It started at around 4.30 in the afternoon. Participants came from all parts of the country, Britain and as far awav as New Hampshire. It was easy for the early arrivals - the recognition problem after so many years was less than for those arriving later. We deliberately did not use name plates - when the numbers in the room increased the difficulty multiplied, but the group rose to the occasion, and the buzz of conversation heightened and we knew that the gathering was a success and that old friendships were being renewed and the camaraderie of the group was being found again. Many stories were told and escapades of long ago recounted.
The sun shone late that Saturday evening and we had dinner looking out on St Stephen's Green. Next morning, by kind invitation of Fr Kevin O'Shea, a large group, including wives, children and friends assembled at the College for a special Mass to give thanks for the intervening years and to bring together the wider group so closely joined to the year '50. The College provided refreshments and the group was joined by Fathers Carbery and Cregan, who taught us all those years ago. It was a splendid conclusion to a most enjoyable weekend.
A number of those who had travelled to Dublin for the occasion set out for a holiday and as the sun was still shining and continued to shine for the next week or so it was an ideal opportunity. All in all, it was a great success and plans have been laid for a further reunion in 1995 D.V.
Kevin O'Shaughnessy