Billiards in the 40's
1943 & 1944 Frames

1943-1944 RESULTS
A RECORD number of entries and very keen competition were features of all three tournaments, Senior, Junior and Prep. In the final stages of the competition the play reached a high standard. This was particularly so in the Senior Handicap in which R. Carroll eventually ran out winner after a very close game in the final with A. Byrne, who won this event last year.
In the Junior Handicap the competition proved even keener than was anticipated and there were some surprises, the most noteworthy being D. Reddin's victory over F. Maher who had been considered a hot favourite. A. Austin too, showed unexpected form, which he maintained throughout. He defeated B. Halpenny convincingly in the final. B. Casey started favourite for the Prep. Tournament. He encountered no serious opposition on his way to the final which he won comfortably.
1942-1943 RESULTS
Senior Handicap Junior Handicap Prep. Handicap |
A. Byrne B. Lowe G. Burke |