About The Union
An Overview

1946 Golden Jubilee Union Dinner
The Castleknock College Union (referred to as ‘the Union’) is an association of pastmen, their parents, staff members of St. Vincent’s Castleknock College and the Vincentian Community associated thereto.
It has the distinction of being the oldest College Union in Ireland. The stated aim on formation in 1896 was to bring together the alumni, to keep them in touch with one another, so that old time memories and associations might be kept alive to play a part in working out the destiny of each.
Today's Union still cherishes these same objectives: to bring together pastmen and to facilitate contact between them, whether by social gatherings or otherwise; to make the resources of pastmen available to each other for their assistance, guidance and help; to encourage pastmen to support and assist ongoing development of the College; to support the Charities in which pastmen or the College are involved.
All pastmen by right of passage are Ordinary Members of the Union, and any who elect to pay a sub become Senior Members, or Junior Members if they avail of the College five year graduation deal. Teachers, Vincentians and any other so elected are Honorary Members. All others are Associate Members.
The management of the Union affairs are vested in the Union Committee, made up of Union President, Honorary Officers and General Members.
The first president of the Union was Baron Russell of Killowen, GCMG, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. His portrait will be familiar to past and present alike and still hangs in the College Refectory. Oisín Quinn, the current incumbent, is the eighty-third past men who has thus far served as President of the Union.