'54 celebrate their 30th at the Gresham
Where are they now.

Micheal Boyd, Dan Sullivan, Rev. Fr. Harry Slowey CM. Henry Wall, Rev. Fr. Liam O"Rafferty CM, Jimmy Hill, Henry Commerford, Cecil Donovan, Rev. Fr. Kevin Rafferty CM, Brian Quinn, John Bourke, Michael Collins, Paddy Masterson, Maccon McNamara, Peter Keogh, Liam Quirke, Sandy Stokes, Aiden Egan, Joe McGinley, John Hanley, Francis Steen, Conan Rafferty, Gene Curran, Tony Brady, Peter Crealey, Peter McNamara, Anthony McArdle, Frank O’Rourke, Cormac Byrne, Cormac Byrne, Johnny Atkinson, Bill Roe, Paddy McGinty, Peter Smith wick, Gerry Dunworth, Rev. Fr. Morris Carbery CM, Rev. Fr. Brendan Steen CM, Niall Hyde, Brian McMahon, Rev. Fr. Paddy O’Donoghue, Vincent Lavery, John Brogan, Tom Fahy, Robin Flood, Eugene McEnteggart, Aiden Burke.
The class of '54 gathered on the 3rd March 1985 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of their graduation from the College. A wonderful evening was had at the Gresham Hotel and the Union through the good offices of Peter Smithwick used it as an opportunity to catch up on where class '54 are now.
Those notes as published in the 1985 Chronicle, are reproduced below.
JOHN ATKINSON has been a frequent visitor to the College as his two boys have been pupils here. John and his wife. Mary, live in Churchtown so they are quite close-by. Dentistry was Johns choice of career and he duly qualified in 1961. in Dublin. After graduating he spent several years in England, one year in London and three years in Devon. He then returned to Dublin where he is well established in Churchtown. That side of the City is convenient for his hobbies of Clay Pigeon shooting and fishing. He is also a member of Elm Park Golf Club. It is always good to meet Johnny. We wish him continued success in his work and family.
WE were glad to hear that DONAL BLAKE continues to maintain the family business tradition in Enniskillen. Donal was one of a number of brothers who came to Castleknock in the forties and fifties. He is a member of the Junior Chamber and also occupies himself with a popular pastime in Fermanagh, namely, fishing. To Donal. his wife and family we extend warm greetings.
AIDAN BOURKE is one of a group of Castlebar people who appear to be a continuing part of Castleknock life. He was a father like figure at the Reunion Dinner, sitting at one end of the table smoking his pipe. Aidan went to U.C.D. on leaving Castleknock. where he pursued a successful course of studies in medicine. After qualifying, he was for a time Senior Registrar with Liverpool Regional Hospital Board. He is now back home attached to Castlebar General Hospital as Consultant Anaesthetist. Aidan and his wife. Nuala. have four boys and a girl. Into all this activity he also fits membership of the Vincent de Paul. His pastimes are some sailing and golf. It was good to see Aidan looking so well.
MICHAEL BOYD followed family tradition in joining the Bank when he left Castleknock. Again in the tradition of bankers, he has seen much of the country in his various postings from Dundalk to Tralee. He is presently manager of the National Bank in Mallow, where he lives with his wife (nee Hanratty) and his three boys. Michael is now well established in Mallow where he is secretary of the Rotary Club. He obviously enjoys the outdoor life, as he is a member of the rugby club and golf club and also enjoys tennis and walking.
JOHN BROGAN is one of several members of the 1954 class who have since become teachers. He is now teaching in St. Comgall"s High School. Lame. Co Antrim. He lives in Cushendun with his wife, the former Eileen McCambridge. and his four children. Having tried farming for a time John went to St. Joseph's Belfast, where he gained his teaching qualification and then proceeded to his present position. John's life has been linked with youth because apart from his own children, he was also a Youth Leader for eighteen years. It will come as no surprise to those who remember John in Castleknock that he also joined Ballymena R.F.C. and played with them until 1959. His life is still full of interests as he is a member of local golf and badminton and angling clubs (in the latter activity he is joined by one of our own confrères. Fr. Perry Gildea). Any time left over from all that activity is given to the quieter hobby of model building and the more active pastime of canoeing. It was good to see John looking so well.
NEIL BURKE wrote to us from Alberta. Canada, where he is very happily married for twenty-five years and the next generation are already adults. Neil's career has taken him to many places. Taking his degree in City & Regional Planning in Durham University, he worked in various planning positions in Ireland. England and Zimbabwe. He then moved to Canada where he did graduate research in Vancouver and became a member of the Canadian Institute of Planning, and Royal Town Planning Institute. During this time he put his roots down in Canada, working as Program Implementer in the Pacific Region and Director of Planning. Indian Program (Alberta). It appears from Neil's letter to be an absorbing business and with his daughter. Siobhan. married to a Canadian and living in the foothills of the Rockies, the Burke's are very much part of Canadian life. This is apparent also from his voluntary work with committees for Heritage and Resource Conservation and the Arts. Free time goes by quickly, too quickly, with many outdoor and indoor interests. To Neil and his wife, to the emerging adults in the family, we wish every blessing.
HENRY COMERFORD is now Principal in the firm of Henry Comerford & Co.. Solicitors, in Galway City. His father was a solicitor before him. so it would seem a perfectly natural development However, Henry's road to the law was not quite that direct- those of us with him in Castleknock were not surprised. Henry himself says that he had two glorious years in U.C.D. and U.C.G. but did not have time to take a degree. He then became a member of Radio Eireann Repertory Company for some years, after which he went free lance and acted with Gate and Gas Company, Dunlaoghire. With that experience behind him. he joined the firm of Concanon & Company. Solicitors. Henry is married to the former Deirdre Donovan. Their boy. Stephen, has just finished in Castleknock and they also have a daughter. Married life has changed the direction of Henry's theatrical life outside law practice. He has had two plays produced in the Peacock "with moderate success ". Henry also relates that he ran unsuccessfully for the Dail in 1981 on a Fine Gael nomination, so the lure of an audience is still there. His supporting interests are somewhat confined, as they are limited to watching others watch sport on television. On a more serious note. Henry is a member of the Itinerant Resettlement Committee and also works for groups concerned with juvenile offenders. So. Henry's life has been a many splendoured thing. May we wish Henry and Deirdre continued success and happiness.
IT was a pleasant surprise to meet PETER CREALEY at the class reunion as he is now living in Brisbane. Australia, with his wife Sue (formerly McCarthy) and their two children. Peter's job involves a lot of travel as he is Chairman of Niagara Holdings Ltd. in London and Managing Director of Niagara Therapy Ltd. in Australia. He has been with Niagara for the past seventeen years having worked with them in the U.S.A. and U.K. Peter has had an adventurous career since leaving Castleknock. His first move was to Pallaskenry Agricultural College. Ca Limerick. Having spent some time in Rhodesia he moved to Canada and held a variety of jobs from oil rigger to waiter. Then he became involved very successfully with Niagara, a therapy manufacturing company. Peter is an enthusiast along with Sue. of the Suzuki method of violin and piano teaching. They are also actively involved in the Home Schooling movement which is a topic of real interest amongst Australians. Then to get in some exercise. Peter golfs and runs. Obviously, the life agrees with him and we wish Peter and family continued success.
Clontarf is very much home for GENE CURRAN. He is a member of Clontarf Golf Club and Rugby Club but. more importantly, he lives there with his wife, son and daughter. He is not far from the centre of his work either, because he is Medical Director of Woodfull Private Medical Centre on the nearby Howth Road. Besides being medically responsible for the clinic, he is also Senior Clinical Assistant in the varicose veins department of Sir Patrick Duns hospital. Gene went to the College of Surgeons when he left Castleknock. Having qualified he widened his experience by taking various appointments in surgery, medicine and anaesthetics, both here and in Britain before settling in Ireland. We wish all blessings on his family and his work in Clontarf.
CECIL DONOVAN was one of the organising brains behind the Class of "54 Reunion, so we were not surprised to learn that he is one of six partners in the Accountancy firm of Butler Chance & Company. Cecil's professional life has circled round the company very much since he left Castleknock. Apart from two and a half years in London with Price Waterhouse. he was articled there and worked there after qualifying. Obviously, he is well thought of in the profession as he is presently second Vice- President of the Institute of Irish Accountants. Apart from his successful professional career there are other areas of interest in Cecil's life. He has been a member of the St. Vincent de Paul most of his working life. He has switched from membership of Bective L.T.C. to the more leisurely climate of Courtown. He also plays the occasional game of golf. Above all his interest is in family — his wife, two girls and two boys. This is the centre of his life. Cecil, writes — long may it continue to be so.
That JERRY DONWORTH is a life member of Garryowen R.F.C. and a life member of Lahinch and Shannon Golf Clubs (past Captain of the latter) shows where his heart lies. Jerry is an accountant by profession. He worked with chartered accountants for nine years in London and Dublin before returning to business in Shannon. He is now General Manager of Unitrode Ireland Ltd.. a firm that produces electronic components. Jerry is obviously a keen sportsman. He is also very much involved in the Curriculum Development Unit of the local Comprehensive School that has done pioneering work in that area. He is chairman of Shannon local liaison group that provides resources linking school, home and work place. To Jerry, his wife. Abina, and children we wish continued happiness.
JOHN HANLY lives in Shrewsbury Lawn, Cabinteely. with his wife (the former Caroline Colfer) and family of three girls and a boy. John is presently a Director of family owned companies. His professional interests take him further afield, as he is a Lecturer in Management at the Dublin Institute of Technology. The latter would flow naturally from his original involvement with the business consultancy. Inbucon. John went to U.C.D. on finishing in Castleknock. where he took an Honours Degree in Science. From then on his career was bound up with business. Sailing is his main recreational outlet as he is a member of the Royal Irish Yacht Club.
JIMMY HILLS life has been bound up very- much with the oil business, as he has been associated with Phillips Petroleum Company both in the U.S.A. and Britain, where he is presently President of the Refined Products section. On leaving school Jimmy took a degree in Economics in Harvard and then followed that with an Executive Management Course in the European Institute of Business Studies. Then followed his term in the U.S.A. and his successful career in Britain. Jimmy's business interests involve him with the Petroleum Industry Association. But this does not absorb all his time as he is a member of the Royal Automobile Club: London Irish Rugby Club and maintained his interest in cricket by being a member of Leatherhead Cricket Club. Jimmy is married and living in Fetcham, Surrey. They have two children.
NIALL HYDE is a busy man indeed. He is presently an architect in private practice but with consultancy work with Foras Forbartha. He is a family man with three children (his wife. Dorothy O'Doherty) but with a variety of interests outside the home, including An Taisce. sub-aqua club and Amnesty International and things Spanish. Niall took his degree in Architecture in U.C.D. and then in 1965 he won a scholarship to University of Pennsylvania where he gained his Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture. His practice concentrates now on low-cost housing. His wider projects include a published work on the conservation of the Irish coastline, and an E.C. funded plan for a cross-border Regional Park. Linked with his pastime interests, he is involved also in the restoration of a 15th Century Castle on Mizen Peninsula for use as a holiday home and diving base. We wish Niall every success for his present and future plans.
VINCENT (V.J.) LAVERY is a regular visitor to Ireland from his home in Fresno. California. The last occasion was to see Schools Cup Match and a Rugby International (both successful) and to attend the Class Reunion (very successful!). Vincent has retained his exuberance and channels it into teaching High School in Fresno. California, into coaching soccer teams and involvement with Children's Committee 10, Inc.. which works at placing Catholic and Protestant children from Ireland in American homes over the Summer. Those are just some of Vincent's activities, which involve photography and golf, horse riding and amateur theatricals and active involvement with the Democrat Party in Merced starting with Bobby Kennedy's Presidential campaign in 1967. Obviously. Vincent is well established in Fresno His path to Fresno was via St. Joseph's. Blackrock: Shannon Airport Hotel Managerial School; seven years in the Armed Forces in the States and finally, professional teaching qualifications Merced College and California State University. Vincent retains a soft spot for Ireland and Castleknock. He thoroughly enjoyed the Class Reunion and in typical Vincent style, looks forward to the 35th Reunion. He misses the Phoenix Park and Leopardstown Races and finally, looks back with gratitude to Vincentian grounding in the faith. We look forward to meeting you again, Vincent.
PADDY MASTERSON has had a successful and satisfying life as philosopher and teacher, author and administrator. He is married to Frances (formerly Lenehan) and they have one boy and three girls in the family. Paddy began his academic career in U.C.D.. an institution with which he was to establish very firm links. An outstanding philosophy student, he proceeded to take his B.A. and then M.A. in U.C.D. He then transferred to Louvain where he completed his Doctorate. Having returned to U.C.D he established himself very quickly as a lecturer of great promise. This promise was fulfilled when he became Professor of Philosophy of Religion. Paddy's interests always extended beyond the realm of the lecture hall. He demonstrated this interest by his contribution to staff discussions, to his becoming Dean of the faculty of Philosophy and. in more recent years, becoming Registrar of U.C.D. During those busy years he has also published successfully, particularly his work on "Atheism and Alienation". Paddy's interests range from Modem Art to involvement in the Irish School of Economics. Being a member of Fitzwilliam L.T.C. allows him some swimming and tennis (the latter activities conjure up memories of Paddy in student days thundering up and down a rugby pitch). So a well rounded life which Paddy, Frankie and the family may long enjoy!
We were pleased to meet GERARD MURPHY again, looking fit and well after his recent illness. Gerard's Vincentian connections are strong. The late James Murphy. CM was his brother and Gerard's nephew, James, was ordained this year and has been posted to Castleknock. His son. Shane, is presently in his First year in Castleknock. Gerard is a well established solicitor in Cork where he is a Senior partner in Barry C. Galvin & Son. He went there directly from U.C.D. where he took his law degree. The Vincent de Paul Society is a focus of attention outside his profession, whilst he takes an interest in tennis as a pastime. Gerard is married to Nuala (nee Donnelly). There are three boys in the family.
PADRAIC MACGINTY has his roots in Donegal and is maintaining those roots very strongly. He lives in Casdetown St. Johnston with his wife. Sorca (nee Callaghan) and their five children. Padraic is a past president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. This sprang naturally from his position as Director of Milford Bakery and Flour Mills and he is also Chairman of Donegal Linens. Looking further afield. Padraic is very interested in promoting Irish goods abroad, particularly Donegal linen. Padraic manages to fit in the occasional game of golf. We wish him every success in his different ventures
BRIAN MACMAHON has followed the academic interest that he so obviously showed in Castleknock. He pursued an engineering degree (Mech., Electr.) in U.C.D. on leaving Castleknock. He followed this with a postgraduate degree in hydraulics in Grenoble University. Brian is now a lecturer in fluid dynamics at the Imperial College. London. He lives in Streatham along with his wife. Patricia and their family.
Not many doctors can claim to be the fourth generation of their family to have served the same community. Such is the case with MACCON MACNAMARA. whose great-grandfather commenced practice in Corofin in 1827 and where Maccon is now Dispensary Doctor. He lives in that beautiful part of Clare with his wife, Finola. their three boys and two girls. Maccon went to U.C.G. on leaving Castleknock. He did some post-graduate work in the Rotunda. In the early years he was attached to Galway and Limerick hospitals and then, having been in practice for a year in England, he returned to carry on the McNamara tradition in Corofin. Wildlife, occasional golf, archaeology — these are the interests that fit in naturally with Maccon"s background. He is an active member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, whereas he describes himself as a non- shooting member of the local Development Association and gun club. We wish continued blessings on the MacNamara family in Corofin.
PETER MCNAMARA spent some years in Ireland after leaving Castleknock. before moving to England where he now lives in Woodside Park. London, with his wife Mary and their two children. Peter took his B.A. in U.C.D. and then went on to become a member of the Institute of Purchasing and Supply and the British Institute of Management It was in this area that Peter's career developed as he spent nine years working as a buyer for Hawker Siddley Aviation and Ford Motor Companies He then moved from the world of automobiles to the National Health Service where he is now Divisional Supplies Officer for the North East Thames Regional Health Authority. Peter has retained his early interest in tennis and is presently Chairman of the Woodville Park Lawn Tennis Club. Obviously keen on the open air. he plays golf and swims and looks after the garden. It is always pleasant to meet Peter at Castleknock functions and we wish him continued success and happiness.
COLM O'SHEA is presently pursuing a successful career in New Jersey where he lives with his wife Rita (formerly O"Brien), their three boys and two girls. He is Company Chairman and owner of Vacumet Corporation — a packaging and insulating business Colm arrived in New Jersey via a B.Comm (U.C.D.) and accountancy (Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants). From there he went into a variety of posts in industry, mainly to do with machinery and office equipment He held a number of administrative posts before taking up his present position. He is highly regarded in his own area, being past president of his own professional association of metallizers. Apart from golf. HOPE* takes up much of Colm's spare time. The latter is a wide embracing Catholic counselling service, extending help to families, to the old. and to the world of drugs and alcohol. Colm has close associations with the Vincentians as his father taught in St. Patrick's. Drumcondra, and his brother. Kevin, is a Vincentian presently working in Nigeria but who will be returning as President to Castleknock, thus renewing his previous association with the College. To Colm and his family we wish continued success and happiness.
THE QUINN family are in the throes of house moving so we were pleased that BRIAN found time to contact us. Dundalk is home for Brian, his wife Irene(nee Walsh) and their three boys and three girls. The Quinn family have a long connection with the College as Brian's two brothers, Joe and Oliver and his father were here before him and presently Brian and Oliver have boys in Castleknock. The Quinns are well established hoteliers and Brian has followed the family tradition. He took the traditionally hard slog of five years learning the business in the Gresham Hotel. Dublin, along with courses in Shannon Airport and Germany. He returned to Dundalk in 1959 and is now Joint Managing Director of Ballymascanlon and Hotel Imperial in Dundalk. and of Silverwood Hotel in Lurgan Brian's professional interests involve him in Irish Welcome Hotels Ltd. as Director and as Council member of the Irish Hotels Federation. An hotelier's life is a busy one but Brian finds time to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Vice-President of Dundalk Football Club, along with membership of local rugby and golf clubs He is also a member of the Skol Club in Dublin. Brian is a familiar and welcome figure at the College Cup matches He is due (overdue?) to witness a winning Cup team.
CONAN RAFFERTY belonged to a gifted family who were boys in the College during the late forties and early fifties. For those of us who knew Conan. engineering seemed to be a natural choice of career. He took his B.E. (Elect.) and then B.Comm. Combining the technical and the business world, he is now marketing manager for Data & Text Services. Telecom Eireann. Conan lives presently in Glenageary from where he pursues his hobbies of badminton, sailing and hill walking.
MALACHY RAFFERTY is a twin of Kevin Rafferty and a younger brother of Martin Rafferty. all of whom were at Castleknock. While Kevin and Martin are in Dublin. Malachy has made his home in California along with his wife, Beth (formerly Fitzpatrick) and their two children Malachy took his B.A. in U.C.D. and then moving to California he took his Masters Degree in U.C.L.A. He now holds the administrative post of Director. School of Graduate and Continuing Education in the University of San Diego. Malachy likes to vacation in Ireland and included his class reunion in his last trip. At home, he is involved with the developing life of the Church in supporting vocations to Church Ministries. We wish Malachy. Beth and family every blessing for the future.
EAMON RAFTERY joined the Vincentians on leaving Castleknock in 1954. He was ordained in 1962, having taken his B.A. in U.C.D. and then studied theology in Glenart. After ordination Eamon was appointed to St. Paul's. Raheny. He studied there for the Higher Diploma in Education and was to remain in St. Paul's until 1968. He then taught for one year in St. Patrick's College, Armagh, before going to Nigeria where he experienced the chaos and trauma of civil war. After that experience Eamon spent over ten years in our English parishes as Curate and Parish Priest. In 1982 he was appointed to the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Mill Hill, London, where he now successfully works at retreats and parish missions We wish Eamon continued success in his important work.
WILLIAM ROE and his wife. Elizabeth (nee Collins) have six children to look after in their Mullingar home. Home occupies quite an amount of spare time also, as he is interested in gardening and carpentry. Willie"s route to Mullingar was via U.C.D. where he took his B. E. (Electrical) and then did post-graduate apprenticeship in Newcastle-on-Tyne and is now a Chartered member of the Institute of Engineers. He held a variety of positions, including industrial relations and management consultancy before taking up his present post as Group Engineer. E.S.B., Mullingar. Willie is also active in the life of Mullingar and he is a Past Provincial Grand Knight of the Knights of St. Columbanus: a Past President of the Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Rotarians Obviously, a full and satisfying life.
WE were delighted to hear from RONNY ROHAN in the past few weeks It has been quite some time since we were in contact, although Ronny tells me that he met one Irish Vincentian in Jerusalem and another in Inishboffin quite recently. Ronny is now teaching in the Benedictine Public School, Ampleforth, Yorkshire. He is in charge of History in Junior House and also teaches English. Maths and Religious studies He began by taking his B. A. in U. C. D. His early teaching career was spent in Burnt Oak. Middlesex and then in Howsham Halt Yorkshire before moving to Ampleforth. He is now fully involved in the life there, being a special Minister of the Eucharist, President of the Archaeological Society and was. at time of writing, taking a group off to Madrid. In line with these activities. Ronny is actively interested in archaeology and history. He writes reviews occasionally in the Catholic Herald and maintains links with the homeland through membership of the Irish Club. London. He also has his brother. Richard, a horse trainer, living quite near to him. The busy life of a Boarding School prevented Ronny from making the Class Reunion, so we were delighted to hear from him.
"CASTLEKNOCK cured me of any love of organized games'" writes PETER SMITHWICK to me. This means really that Peter has so much extra time to develop his other interests. As one might expect Inistigoe, Co. Kilkenny, is home. He is married to Deirdre (nee Cooper) and they have two girls in the family. Peter went directly into law in U.C.D. on leaving Castleknock. He is now a solicitor practising in Kilkenny, and also a director of Smithwick's Brewery and Kilkenny Design Workshop Ltd. In an area like Kilkenny, Peter's interest in genealogy and history has had the opportunity to develop. Along with these interests he has also become very much involved with the Knights of Malta, is on the Kilkenny branch National Council for the Blind and is now a Freeman of the City of Kilkenny. Political life has its attractions for Peter too, as he is a trustee of the Fianna Fail Constituency Executive and for a considerable time was secretary and member of the National Executive. Amidst all of these activities. Peter manages to find time to be a member of Hospitalite at Lourdes. An example, one would think, of the full life.
IT was good news to hear that another generation of STEENS is to be represented in the College in the coming year. It was also the occasion to meet FRANCIS, whose son. Laurence, is coming to us. Francis is a well established farmer in Kilmessan. Co. Meath. He lives there with his wife, Emer and their three children. His interests are also mainly outdoors, as he is keen on shooting and is a member of the Meath Hunt. He also enjoys photography. We wish Francis a continued and happy association with the College.
HENRY WALL proved to be the outstanding rugby player of his year as he went on to gain caps for Ireland in 1965. Before that he had shown leadership qualities as Captain of the U.C.D. team in the seasons 1959-60 and 1960-61. Much of Henry's time on leaving Castleknock centred on Dublin, where he pursued his veterinary studies However, once qualified he returned to his native Munster, where he now practises in Crookstown, Co. Cork. He is married to the former Deirdre Barman and they have five children in the family, three girls and two boys, both of whom were with us in Castleknock. Henry's pastimes are very much linked with the outdoor life, as apart from golf and shooting he also hunts and fishes. Consequently. he looks fresh and fit. We wish Henry and Deirdre continued happiness together.