1943-44 "Under Fourteens"
Junior House Rugby

The" Under Fourteens," the hope of the future, had a very successful season under the supervision of Fr. T. Cashin, winning four out of five matches played. The year opened with the election of captains, who were: B. Lowe, B. Kelly, and D. O'Neill. Others who won their places during the year were: M. O'Mara, our full-back, while J. Bolger and M. Dorgan were our wings. The centres were D. O'Neill and A. Austin and our half-backs, D. Connolly and B. Lowe. Those in the forward pack were: N. Delaney, B. Kelly, T. Ryan, B. Fitzgerald, D. McGinley, J. Ennis, E. McCabe, M. Reynolds.
Our first fixture was against Belvedere, away, and from this contest we emerged triumphant, defeating our opponents by 19-3. After Christmas we opened with a match against Xavier's School and we defeated them by 36 points to nil, in spite of the fine game played by the smaller Xavier's team. Shortly afterwards we went to Donnybrook to return their visit, and this time we carried the day by 15 points to nil. Our next fixture was against Blackrock. Here we came up against new and more experienced opponents. We were defeated in a very tight match by a converted try to a try, 5-3. Needless to say, we were eager to meet them in a return match on their own ground, but this was impossible on account of the weather and the cup-matches from which our senior team emerged as triumphant!
Belvedere came out here to return their earlier fixture with us. We, however, after a hard battle succeeded in defeating them by a dropped goal and a try to two tries. As in all other matches, but especially in this, B. Lowe was outstanding in dropping a goal for 'Knock. We must also congratulate M. Reynolds and T. Ryan on their excellent place-kicking throughout the year.
Although at the beginning of the year this club was still to be considered in the experimental stage it can be regarded now and forever as a fully-fledged institution. Conceding that the majority were by no means new to the game there remained quite a few novices. These improved rapidly under Father Sheil's proficient coaching, and had, incidentally, a formidable representation on the finally selected team. The election of captains presented no insurmountable difficulty, nor was any surprise evoked when W. Lowe, E. McCabe and D. Reddin assumed the duties of first, second and third Captains respectively. The following young hopefuls showed remarkable keeness and a high standard of play; D. Connolly, B. Kelly, J. O'Donoghue, B. Guerin, J. O'Reilly, G. Byron, P. Domegan, T. McCusker, J. Glynn, C. Kilgallen, M. O'Meara, A. Austin, J. Ennis, D. O'Neill, B. Fitzgerald, M. Reynolds and D. Conway.
Even so, the news that our first fixture had been arranged caused undue anxiety. It was against Belvedere and was played on foreign territory. The game was steady, consisting as it did almost entirely of forward work. A. Austin crossed the enemy line and scored twice thereby leaving the score 6-nil in our favour. Our next match was against Xavier School, this time at home. The opposing forwards were light, and though they put up a stubborn resistance were never given a chance to settle down by our fellows. B. Guerin, W. Lowe and B. Kelly scored a try apiece and brought the score to rest at 9-nil. Then the indomitable "Under Thirteens" entertained, and in their own time vanquished Belvedere, coming through comfortably with a score of IS-nil. After that they went to Donnybrook to play their return match with Xavier School and repeated their former victory of 9-nil. It might, however, have been more edifying had our team net been so self-assured. W. Lowe was the most prominent, scoring a splendid try. To crown an already glorified season our youthful stalwarts once again sallied forth to Donnybrook. This time they left no doubt as to their prowess and finally crushed the foe, namely Xavier School, with a "knock-out" 17-nil victory.
Lastly comes a unanimous vote of thanks from the " Under Thirteens" in general to Father Sheil for having so generously devoted his time and patience to their training. To say that the team outdid the expectations of the most sanguine would be putting it mildly and we congratulate these juveniles on the successful season they enjoyed.