2024 Union Golf Event

The Union Golf outing (Presidents Prize) will be in Castleknock GC on Thursday 13th June 2024 The format will be Singles Stableford (4 balls) tee times from 12.30-15.30pm.
Dinner will be served at 8pm in the clubhouse followed by prize giving.
To book & make payment for Golf & Dinner €75pp & Golf only €55 Dinner only €35pp, Young Pastmen (graduated 2019 or since) Golf & Dinner, please book below.
Anybody who cannot play golf on the day or would like to bring a Pastman is more than welcome to join us for dinner.
The winner of this years golf event will join a long list of Pastmen whose names are engraved on this magnificent trophy (Presidents Prize).
If you would like to play or organize a (4) ball team please call Barry Walsh on 083-0986756 or Robert Troy 086-3512933
The Union would appreciate your support.
Bobby Geraghty
Castleknock College Union