2011 Pastmens' Doubles Tennis Tournament
Fitzwilliam LTC

Following the success of last year’s inaugural tournament, the Union is delighted to announce that the Pastmens' Doubles Tennis Tournament has again been arranged for the same venue on Friday 17th June.
The same format as last year will apply. The tournament will be organised to cater for all standards (handicaps will be applied) and there will be at least two separately graded groups. Play will be held on four outdoor courts and will be followed with dinner and presentations in a private room in the clubhouse.
The cost is €50 per person to include tennis, a 3-course meal and prizes. As this is a limited numbers event with a maximum of 32 participants (pastmen only), it has been decided not to use the online booking facility. Applications should be sent directly to David Bell. Although dinner is limited to 40 persons, non-participants and guests are welcome to attend at a cost of €35.
In the event that the maximum number of applicants for either tennis or dinner is reached, a waiting list will be in operation if spaces subsequently become available.
Commencing: 3:00pm (to finish for 8pm dinner)