The Ward Brothers
at combined age of 331 years

L-R, standing: Michael, Patrick & seated: Laurence, John
IN AN evening paper, a short time ago, there appeared the above remarkable photo of four brothers—all pastmen— whose combined ages came to 331 years.
They are the Ward brothers whose family have farmed at Norman's Grove in Dunboyne for generations - Laurence Ward (1869-71), aged 88 years, Fr. John Ward, CM (1869-76), aged 83 years, Patrick Ward (1869-73), aged 82 vears and Michael Ward (1869-75), aged 78 years - and we are happy to report that all remain hale and hearty.
Laurence, Patrick and Michael are extensive farmers, Laurence in Gonnocks and Clonee, Patrick in Nutstown, and Michael in Staffordstown, in the Parish of Kilcloon. In 1899, when the people got the power to elect Countv Councillors, Laurence Ward, J.P., was amongst the first chosen—a tribute to his integrity and business capacity. Patrick Ward was a great horseman and a splendid huntsman.
Fr. John Ward, CM, has for a long time been known all over this country and in England and Scotland as an apostolic missionary, with indefatigable energy. In Scotland particularly he did more than a man's work in giving missions and doing good. A book could be written on his labours alone. But I shall content myself with wishing him God's choicest blessings, and trust that he will have many more days of labour in the Vineyard of Him whom he serves so well.